Octávio D’Alessio, also known as Tav, is a male tiefling. As a wild magic sorcerer, he has chaotic magic coursing through him. With a mindflayer tadpole in his brain, he’s willing to do anything to find a potential cure. One of his eyes is fake, given to him by Volo after a failed extraction. In a desperate search, he has studied various, questionable arts of magic, eldritch knowledge haunting him as a result. Still, despite his desperation, he tries to be a good person, & he genuinely cares about others’ well being.

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Xenia is a female elf, and a ranger. She grew up in Baldur’s Gate, with her parents and younger brother, Atys. Unfortunately, her brother wasn't her brother by blood, he wasn't born. A Bhaalspawn, whose urges awakened, he set their home on fire with everyone else still trapped inside. Xenia, unlike their parents, survived. After years of living on the streets, she was adopted by the noble family Zarinoff. They taught her how to hunt both animals and people, seeing mankind as just another type of beast to kill. She quickly became one of their elites, a Hound of Zarinoff. In the middle of one of her 'hunts' she was captured by the nautiloid ship.

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Tmw you exist in a safe and structured environment that helps you prosper, and you feel comfortable calling it home, but then everything is flipped as you learn that this environment wasn't as good as you had grown to think, and now it's also gone, and now you have to struggle with the knowledge that you have seen the good in evil, and you question if you yourself are truly good or if you're just as bad as the people you used to call friends, potentially family, especially because you also struggle that you, being artificially created, potentially means everything you do was planned behavior instilled in you when you were made.

Yeahhh Horns was a 'warforged' royal guard for a house of vampires.

The Dark Alliance AU

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CAMPAIGN: Out of The Maw
When joining his crew, Pherrin never expected to become a deep sea diver, but here he was, hunting for pearls and coins on the seabed. Yet here he was, beneath the roiling, rolling waves of blue. He didn't dislike it – *describe underwater here* – but he still didn't expect it.

As the only crew-member on his ship, who could breathe underwater, he was designated to any and all jobs that would need someone in the water. Leak in the hull? He'd be on the outside, helping the ship's carpenter as they repaired it from inside. Someone fell overboard? He's the best man to rescue them. There's no risk in him drowning as well, after all. Lost cargo? Guess who was sent to scour the waters for it. And of course, whenever the crew wasn't busy with any odd-job they took, he was sent to gather treasures and loot from underneath the waves.

Pherrin never really questioned what his crew and him did. They had morals, they had limits to what they were willing to put up with. If things didn't align, they'd fight tooth and nail for what they believed in. Pherrin liked that. This was the closest thing he had to family.


  • Being a Water Genasi -aka able to breathe underwater- my guy was just sent out to gather treasure for his pirate crew.
  • Standard life, had a deep bond with his crew, cared about them and they cared about him and whatnot.
  • Storm hits one time, he's out in the ocean, busy at work, and doesn't realize until he breaks surface tension.
  • It's horrid, rip to his crew, they do not survive and he barely doesn't either. He's knocked unconscious and just ends up sinking deeper and deeper into the sea.
  • Sinks so deep he ends up in the mesopelagic/twilight zone of the ocean, where this hulking beast finds his tiny little body.
  • It's some odd combo of an oar fish and a basking shark (long spindly body, HUUUUGE gaping maw, glows in the dark and all) and introduces itself as "The World Serpent" (might change name, still haven't found anything 'satisfying') in his semi-unconscious haze of a mind.
  • It'll help him, bring him back to shore, let him live and all that, for a price.
  • Bad a-Bing, Bad a-Boom it's warlock time.

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CAMPAIGN: Asporious - Flames and Gears
In a merchant town by the Sapphire Isles walks a woman trading pelts, plants, and dinosaur bones. While visiting she meets an elven man that she finds incredibly beautiful. They “have fun”, and in the end she travels back to the island she comes from -going as a stray passenger on a ship- now with an extra unexpected passenger.

Come nine months and a woman gives birth to a small girl, whom she names Kiki. They grow up together, out in the wild jungles of the isle of Leath, a mother teaching her daughter how to hunt, gather and survive. The daughter learns that she has to remain unseen to the local wildlife, if she does not want to risk her life. If that fails, she has to be able to defend herself. If that too fails, she has to know how to pacify these animals, by whatever means necessary. So she was taught how to excel in all these aspects.

Even so, Kiki found a special kind of joy in cooking, teaching her patience and innovation, through spices and slow simmering meat. She found joy in a lot of small things. The less aggressive wildlife interested her, and she did her best in befriending it. Travelers and merchants would sail by the island, getting valuable resources along their journey. Kiki traded these resources for books and lessons, learning to read and write simple sentences, thanks to passing visitors.

As time passed and as she aged, Kiki’s vision grew worse, a genetic problem that sprung to life only in her. Her other senses, and her connection to the jungle grew stronger in its stead. Details in the distance blurred, but small sounds like the crack of a branch being stepped on, became clearer. Having managed to befriend a small group of five velociraptors at this point, she had guides to help her where her own vision failed. If an opponent was tough, she had fighters who attacked with her. If she ever felt alone, she had pets to comfort her. Kiki thanked her own interest in nature for these gifts. Her life was simple and her life was good, and that was all it had to be. Kiki had little desire to change how her life was.

Kiki’s mother died when Kiki was twenty-five. Her mother’s final wish was to visit the Sapphire Isles one last time. Kiki bore her body -feeling so much heavier than it should be- out to the stone furnace outside their hut, their home. As her mothers remains burnt to ashes, Kiki thought of one way to bring her mother to those isles once more. Packing her mother’s ashes in a small leather pouch, Kiki had one goal in mind now. Leave her peaceful life behind, bring her mother to her final resting place -the Sapphire Isles- and maybe along the way figure out who her father was or even still is.

Sailing from the island, her home and the life she had built over two decades, she joins travelers and merchants, hearing stories of ports and towns filled with dozens upon dozens of people. Stories of lives completely different from her own. She learned quickly that visiting the Sapphire Isles was not an easy task, so now she has to figure out exactly how she will accomplish her one goal. For now, after a quite nauseating journey, she’s landed at the port of Mion, where a tussle between a bouncer and a halfling has just broken out.

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